Parish News

Invitation for sponsorship for Parish feast related expense

Invitation for sponsorship for Parish feast related expense. For more details contact Derebail Church Office Ph: 0824 - 2240802 or Email:

17th October 2018

The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On 8th of September, 2018 the Feast of Nativity was celebrated with much devotion and joy at The Most Holy Redeemer Church Derebail. All the Parishioners especially children carrying flower baskets gathered at the church school ground at 07:00 AM.

8th September 2018

Hall Renovation progress as on 01st September 2018

The renovation and the upgradation of the Church Hall began with immediate effect from the 01st of September, 2018. Since then the progress has been immense. Following are the pictures of the current status of the Hall basically highlighting the

1st September 2018

YSD - ICYM Derebail Unit celebrates Pavsa Gammath with great pomp.

On the 12th of August,2018 at 05:00 PM Yuva Spandan Derebail (YSD - ICYM Derebail Unit) had wonderfully organized a unique program called Pavsa Gammath 2018 at Most Holy Redeemer Church Main Hall.The event began by invoking the blessings of Almighty

12th August 2018


Christian Life Community(CLC)-Youth unit, Derebail organized an Inter-ward Marian Skit Competition for parishioners on July 29 2018.

29th July 2018

House Renovation - Akashbhavan

"What you do to the least of my brother that,you do unto me". On 9th July 2018 Monday the house built for the needy family of Mrs.Ida Mascarenhas of Akashbhavan ward was blessed and handed over to the family.

10th July 2018

Catechism Day Inauguration for the year 2018 - 19

By the Grace of God we were able to resume the Catechism classes on Sunday 10/06/2018. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these Matthew 19:14

10th June 2018

Funeral of Nikitha Coutinha (16)

Nikitha Coutinha daughter of Jeronme and Norine, met with an accident on 25th of March, 2018. She was being treated in A.J. hospital. She was a strong girl but the will of God in her life was different. She succumbed to her injuries and breathed her

10th April 2018

Easter - 2018

Easter is most important for Christians as it commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Easter vigil at Most Holy Redeemer Church began at 7.30 on Saturday and the celebrants were Rev Fr. Austin Peres and Rev Fr.Gracian Alvares.

31st March 2018

Good Friday - 2018

Good Friday is a day when Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, It is a solemn day , mourning the death of Jesus Christ at the Calvary. The Good Friday service at The Most Holy Redeemer Church Derebail, began with a prayer service

30th March 2018